Tuesday 20 July 2010

que pasa!

had such a super dinner last night, when you guys come here im gonna take you there.
after i saw a 60 year old midge with tattoos all over who was the ringleader of his old tattood man club buying beers and ice tea at the supermarket. then i walked around till i had to sleep so i read for a bit to prolong it.
today moved my big pack to my familys place so i can use the little one for couchsurfing, they're the best. they live in an apartment on a lovely street in the city in a place called gothica or e or i or something. sat on the porch and painted stuff ive never been happier with. gonna go stay in a place tomorrow or tonight that has millions of couchsurfers every jiffy.
im really losing things to talk about because im starting to get used to how awes everything is. its like eating pineapple with every meal. i gotta make some kites


  1. Mishy

    Hi lovely son.

    Very colorful diary. 3/10 for effort.

    Any credits to me and 2 Miss T for that wonderful dinner (you mentioned) on Monday night and the one on Sunday or you are still at the old tricks of wag the dog when stoned? Since the lost bags (you also mentioned them) arrived on saturday evening, you haven't left us (the hotel) till tuesday when we left for Barca. What kept you away from joining the "incredible fantastic cosby family" (your great aunt and her partner)? Since blacks living in "housing commissions) annoy you very much, why didn't you inform your readers that your "Anglo saxon" relos in Barca live in a wonderful palace? lol. Mate, from your posts it seems that you are stoned and that is when you become a bit delussional. Wish you and your recent discovered the great cosby family "perfect relos" well. Jokes aside, Please say hi from me & Ms T to Miryam and her partner. You carefully planned that we shouldn't meet them. Son, I can take your punches without retaliation but be nice to them.

    C U in Barca next month.

  2. whoah geez, prime example!
