Tuesday 7 September 2010

sometimes i think im getting a little frosted myself

i spent all day painting pictures on walls with nutella and al foil, and turning bins into people. julia missed her bus back to poland, its funny, i dont realise how nice it is to be somewhat independant, or at least trusted to be alive if nobody knows where i am. but you probably do because i keep posting shitty blogs that get more and more to the point in the worst way. ive kinda given up on uni application even though ive paid for my interview, although gustav sent me the photos of the mural i did. on the last train back from the bus station we interrupted a german rap video shoot. it was just us and a bunch of guys really silently looking aggressive and cool with their mouths moving kicking the air up and down the carriage, pretty hilarious. i gave them the names of doseone and el-p. 

went to a cafe that supposedly had nice coffee, which is kinda hard to find here. i dont mind that much but ed does, so i guess it made him happy. left the cafe and pretty waitress to go to the studio that ebon is letting me use, he wasnt there so i poorly made conversation with the people working there about finding a paint place or something. kinda wandered around aimlessly for a while after that, semi defeated but sort of expecting it. i ended up finishing a 100 page book im making, and finding out that itll be around 100 euros to print 25 copies, balls. the lady at the store said i couldnt use her scanner at her house. did more stuff, nothing really worth. met up with ed and indra, ed finished building his bike but refused to let me ride it, so i stubbornly got on it and wrestled him until he bled, indra got pissed at us and left. i was in the mood of wanting to be a real life cylon. it wasnt really about the bike but just getting out some aggression toward him that i didnt want to be there so i could enjoy his company again. we wandered around in the night looking for internet cafes with counterstrike to pass the night because we had nowhere to sleep. we found one with regular old internet and an army wear dude sleeping in his chair, he watched avatar as i beat zelda phantom hourglass and found pornos in the store room and drew in the toilet. 

i slept on the floor of the computer cafe and woke up to a young turkish guy saying ed had gone to america and i needed to leave. its pretty cold outside. i kinda wanted to endure it just to feel stuff because bordom and determinism had kind of beaten all my intense emotions, so it was nice to feel something basic like fucking freezing. sat and read the nonexistant knight for a while but the air even made the battle scenes frosty so i came here. met ebon and he told me to swing by the studio after lunch. 


  1. how's your sleeping bag?
    don't give up on study the VCA needs YOU!XXXX

  2. I didn't get pissed! I was just bored and you guys obviously had to yr macho shit..
